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  1. mogojoel

    The Ctrl+V game
  2. mogojoel

    The Ctrl+V game

  3. mogojoel

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get a cactus lotus drive. I insert a fork.
  4. mogojoel

    Meh, new sig...

    I just went through all the stages of your build. Very well done.
  5. mogojoel

    Battle of the Browsers

    You young whippersnappers... I've never used IE. It's rubbish, security sucks and is as slow as a wet week. I started with netscape, and have evolved with it, to what we have now ->FF3.
  6. mogojoel

    Forum Game: Questions -V. V. addictive

    can't you help yourself?
  7. mogojoel

    Forum Game: Questions -V. V. addictive

    why don't you explain it to me?
  8. mogojoel

    Forum Game: Questions -V. V. addictive

    why does it rain?
  9. mogojoel

    How do YOU feel about having kids?

    The problem with this generation is that they think life is ALL about them. It is a good thing that you have decidedn\ not to breed, it ensures that selfish people with inability to love anything but themselves, properly, will be flushed from the gene pool.
  10. mogojoel

    Where are you from?

    that's one hell of a username.
  11. mogojoel

    Vending Machine (Game)

    you get a road-killed kangaroo leg. I insert ex-PM John Howard.
  12. mogojoel

    working last night, now down?

    hi, trying to get in tomy cpanel @, an get no result. cant even load the holding page?? also mail server is timing out. pls help joel Edit: found this and it explains the probs. :)
  13. mogojoel

    Post your vehicles pic.

  14. mogojoel

    Where are you from?

    like the potato?
  15. mogojoel

    Where are you from?

    Mogo, NSW Australia here. on the east coast, about 2 1/2 hours south of the smelly town of sydney ;)
  16. mogojoel

    hello from australia

    hi guys, just signed up for hosting, and for the forums too (of course). seems to be a great service! joel