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  1. H

    osCommerce mysql connection

    Finally worked it out after trawling through lots of sites and this forum i just had to type the words localhost in where i was typing my ip address as the database server. i mentioned this in my posts surprised no1 could solve the problem as i'm a newbie with this kinda thing. :cool:
  2. H

    osCommerce mysql connection

    yes i made the user name and gave full rights to the database is there a specific way im supposed to type this info in ive tried both with just the database username and with my account username_database username. not sure where im going wrong... Edit: the only thing i can think of is the fact...
  3. H

    osCommerce mysql connection

    hi im trying to make a oscommerce site to see how it works but im stuck at the first hurdle ha! i have made my database in the mysql section and am trying to connect to it. There was a problem connecting to the database server. The following error had occured:Access denied for user...