Search results

  1. H

    Suspended Account

    Hi, My account has been suspended ( but I am not sure sure why. I paid for remain active a while ago, so maybe that payment has run out? Is it possible to unsuspend it? Thanks!
  2. H

    Domain not working???

    Hi, when I try and change my domain on Account Settings I get th following error message: Whm error: account package id no longer exists in the panel. (code modifydomain_1) And then if I try and add a parked domain in the CPanel, it tells me that someone else is already using my domain...
  3. H

    Hosting account not working

    Hi! When I try to access my domain at: it doesnt work. My CPanel is also not working. I am aware that the COSSACKS.x10 server is down at the moment, so Im assuming that's why. But when I try and update my Account Domain Details at I...
  4. H

    Great Success! Apache working....

    Hi, I get the "Great success!" page when trying to access my domain. Here are my details: cPanel Username: hamburghh Domain: Email: Thanks!! :) - Nick