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  1. R

    foward mail to a php script

    I am using the following code in test.php : #!/usr/bin/php -q <?php $fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $email = ""; while (!feof($fd)) { $email .= fread($fd, 1024); } fclose($fd); // handle email $lines = explode("\n", $email); // empty vars $from = ""; $subject = ""; $headers = ""; $message =...
  2. R

    foward mail to a php script

    I have been trying to foward a mail to a php script. So I pipe my mail account to the php script. The problem is what should i put in the php script to process the email?
  3. R

    php Progress bar

    thanks people. I am going try ajax!
  4. R

    php Progress bar

    I want to run a php script. While the php script is running it would appear a progress bar. For example if i have a flash progress bar how can i call it from the php script?
  5. R

    php Progress bar

    I would like to create a progress bar in php. Do you know to do that?
  6. R


    Hi everybody! I am from Portugal! I am studying php and i hope make some good pages to host here.