Search results

  1. R

    Microsoft Expressions - Frontpage Extension

    Thanks, Any chance getting some instructions on how to do this? :happysad: I never had to install this initially. It just worked straight away? Edit: Ok, I found it and it's working now. Thanks for your help:happysad:
  2. R

    Microsoft Expressions - Frontpage Extension

    Hi, When trying to "publish" my site, I'm now getting the following error. My apologies if this is due to the move of the user accounts. My site name is wicklowrovers. Server NameAbsolut.x10 Server Uptime10 days, 4:13 Server Load 2.00 Apache HTTP Online MySQL Online Exim...
  3. R

    Cannot Access my HTTP

    Thanks a million!
  4. R

    Cannot Access my HTTP

    Hi, I have seen the same problem in the "Level 2 support" forum but I am not allowed to reply on that. I also cannot access my site: I can log into my "Account Management Panel" though. All lights are green and everythind seems to be up-and-running. It...