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  1. N

    Issue obtaining an automatic "Let's Encrypt" SSL Certificate

    Oh my - I just realized that I had a typo in the domain name I set up in my account :oops: I tried deleting the domain with a typo and adding a new one, but it's giving me errors saying I can't modify the domain... What should I do?
  2. N

    Issue obtaining an automatic "Let's Encrypt" SSL Certificate

    Alternatively - would purchasing an SSL certificate from my domain provider be a better route to take?
  3. N

    Issue obtaining an automatic "Let's Encrypt" SSL Certificate

    Good afternoon, everyone! I am having trouble obtaining an automatic SSL via Let's Encrypt on x13 - this is the error that I'm receiving. was skipped due to unreachable http://***.net/.well-known/acme-challenge/ file. was skipped due to...