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  1. C

    What would you improve?

    you should be able to run perl scrips outside the cgi-bin also, or be able to browse to webpages inside that folder
  2. C

    imageboard problem

    i'm trying that, but i wouldn't know what to change...
  3. C

    imageboard problem

    hi, i want to run an imageboard for my school on your server using kareha it uses Perl scripts wich only seem to run in /cgi-bin but the scripts generate html pages in the folder they'r in, so in /cgi-bin the problem is that you can't seem to acces html pages in /cgi-bin with a browser can...
  4. C

    imageboard problems i'm not that of an expert to be able to edit those scrips, i think... there were just downloaded
  5. C

    imageboard problems

    hi, i want to run an imageboard for my school on your server using kareha it uses Perl scripts wich only seem to run in /cgi-bin but the scripts generate html pages in the folder they'r in, so in /cgi-bin the problem is that you can't seem to acces html pages in /cgi-bin with a browser can...
  6. C

    hi, i want to run an imageboard for my school on your server using kareha it uses Perl scripts...

    hi, i want to run an imageboard for my school on your server using kareha it uses Perl scripts wich only seem to run in /cgi-bin but the scripts generate html pages in the folder they'r in, so in /cgi-bin the problem is that you can't seem to acces html pages in /cgi-bin with a browser can...
  7. C

    hi, i want to run an imageboard for my school on your server using kareha it uses Perl scripts...

    hi, i want to run an imageboard for my school on your server using kareha it uses Perl scripts wich only seem to run in /cgi-bin but the scripts generate html pages in the folder they'r in, so in /cgi-bin the problem is that you can't seem to acces html pages in /cgi-bin with a browser can...
  8. C

    hi, how can i set up a board with kareha on x10? when i try to acces the script, it...

    hi, how can i set up a board with kareha on x10? when i try to acces the script, it won't let me i get a 403 could you help me? please send an e-mail to
  9. C

    hi, i just got my account and i just uploaded a small html file to see if it'll work tight after...

    hi, i just got my account and i just uploaded a small html file to see if it'll work tight after that my account got suspended for "High server resource usage" for 15min it said, but i had to go that was allready 14 hours ago, and it is still suspended i didn't actually do anything, and my...