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  1. crazyelfy

    The battle of the web browsers

    HAHA~! This question never gets old. I have been using FireFox for years now. (: But I do use Chrome once in a while but my preference is still FireFox.
  2. crazyelfy

    how many double ups?

    Server issue? Well, I've tried all varies methods already to no avail.
  3. crazyelfy

    how many double ups?

    thank you very much. anyway, the cpanel is not working. i can't get load it at all now suddenly. is it upgrading? or is my ip address blocked?
  4. crazyelfy

    how many double ups?

    I saw the upgrade purchase and was wondering how many times are we allowed to double everything?
  5. crazyelfy

    My portfolio

    It looks all good to me. Really. (:
  6. crazyelfy

    give it a look-see

    I like it but I suggest you just use wordpress on the main domain and add pages to it. That would be so much easier. (:
  7. crazyelfy


    Hi guys, I was just wondering if there's a way to delete the account in case I don't want to use it anymore.
  8. crazyelfy


    woah, okay. thanks. ;)
  9. crazyelfy


    Okay, I've read on the situations that awstat might take a while to update but I'm wondering if my awstat is activated. It stopped updating for 2 days and I'm not sure if it's because I accidentally deleted some files. :dunno:
  10. crazyelfy


    Oh, roger that! Thanks a lot, guys! Awesome...
  11. crazyelfy


    So are you saying that I don't have to put the script the <head> and </head> tags?
  12. crazyelfy


    You guys are by far the quickest host to reply to the users. Anyway, if it's redundant, you don't have to reply but is there any ways to change the location of the text ads? Edit: I've actually read the tutorial and couldn't find the where the Admin CP is.
  13. crazyelfy

    High server resource usage?

    Woah! Thanks a whole lot! I got 4 suspension within 24 hours! I know it sounds absurd but I'm an Internet Junkie. Heck, why am I telling you this? THANKS A LOT! Appreciate it.
  14. crazyelfy

    Help Me Start Up

    Yeah, but i keep getting suspended for high server resource usage though. Thanks for the reply.
  15. crazyelfy

    High server resource usage?

    I keep getting suspended for High server resource usage when all I'm trying to do is upload the *.htm files on my site via FTP. I'm not sure what's wrong, can somebody please help me out? Edit: Please help me out, I've been suspended 3 times within 14 hours. 1st was 15 minutes, then 30 and now...
  16. crazyelfy

    Help Me Start Up

    Okay, I just created the account and now I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I used a different hosting site before this but I don't understand how to use this. And, even with the index.html that is already present, how come the site doesn't even come up? It gives me a "Page Load Error"...