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  1. F

    Unexpected error when trying to make MySQL connection

    I've tried connecting with the firewall turned off and the same happens
  2. F

    Unexpected error when trying to make MySQL connection

    i've added a new user to the database called foti1_foti1 and given it all privelages but the same problem still happens. could the problem be with my remote connection to the site, is there a specific folder that i should connect to?
  3. F

    Unexpected error when trying to make MySQL connection

    Hello Im using Dreamweaver MX to build a website with a search feature. im using PHP pages and need to connect them to a database i created using the MySQL Wizard on the cPanel. When i try to make the connection i enter the following details: Connection Name: fotidatabase MySQL server...
  4. F

    asp pages

    Im trying to run a website that has some asp pages for loging in users and searching through a database. however when i try to view those pages it appears as pages of source code. how can i get the page to appear how its supposed to? thanks Martin