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  1. V

    Requesting for unsuspension

    I am requesting for activation of my account to present my system, and I could rename the domain instead of petty-cash.
  2. V

    requesting unsuspension

    Requesting for activation of my account, and will change the domain name. Instead of petty-cash, it would be pcf. Please approve my request
  3. V

    requesting unsuspension

    hope you consider my request. so I could present my project thanks a lot
  4. V

    requesting unsuspension

    requesting for unsuspension, I will rename the domain for my system demonstration for my clients. thank you
  5. V

    requesting unsuspension

    I need this account for my system demonstration. I will rename the domain that against your policy.
  6. V

    requesting unsuspension

    Requesting for unsuspension, I am going to rename the domain according to your community policy