Search results

  1. MaXiMiUS

    Re-Transfer (Chopin)

    All of the files are 0 Bytes.
  2. MaXiMiUS

    Re-Transfer (Chopin)

    My site is still not working on Chopin, I don't think all the files transferred or something. It was working fine for several months (with minimal changes) before the transfer..
  3. MaXiMiUS

    Chopin Expedited Copy
  4. MaXiMiUS

    Have you ever been banned?

    I've been on both ends over two dozen times probably. Some people just don't like me, and I just don't like some people ;)
  5. MaXiMiUS

    Advertising Competitors

    I don't think we really need to worry about it, x10hosting is better anyways ;)
  6. MaXiMiUS

    Does Anyone Know SQL

    Here's some PHP that may help: <?php $link = mysql_connect("host","user","pass"); mysql_select_db("db_name",$link); $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM `sometable` ORDER BY `order_column` DESC LIMIT 1;"; // Remove or change the LIMIT 1 depending on how many rows you would like to move to the other...
  7. MaXiMiUS

    Do you know the truth of the conflict between israel and palestine ?

    Just stop, seriously. You're way way WAY too aggressive around ideas, thoughts, opinions and religion. That's all I can think of saying without getting extremely rude and just flat out attacking your beliefs.
  8. MaXiMiUS

    Would you give up cPanel for better uptime?

    I'd give up just about anything (other than PHP and MySQL) to improve this: Page created in 37.585 seconds with 14 queries. Lol.
  9. MaXiMiUS The best resource for online MMO's

    I find your sites' lack of WoW.. disturbing :O Anyways, nice site, the design is very clean :)