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  1. G

    Could not connect to MySQL

    I posted a second request and the site came back online. Thanks for your time!
  2. G

    Could not connect to MySQL

    Hello, I've been waiting since December 4 for a response to my issue - the website is unreachable with the 'Could not connect to MySQL" error. Any ideas or solutions are welcome please. Thank you.
  3. G

    Could not connect to MySQL

    Hello, My page - - has been inactive for a while yet I am not suspended and cannot find the reason why it's inactive. Could you help please? Thank you in advance for your time.
  4. G

    unsuspension error

    Hello. I submitted an unsuspension request last week and again tonight but to no avail. Could you help me with regards to this please? Thank you in advance.
  5. G

    Unsuspension not applicable

    Hello, My account was apparently temporarily suspended and when I tried to unsuspend, it said the issue was pending but now is not applicable. The webpage that I have still shows it is suspended. Could you help me in this issue please? Thank you in advance.
  6. G

    Login error

    Hello, Upon logging in to access my control panel, I have been getting this error all afternoon: "An Error Has OccurredAlthough you've logged in successfully, there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system." Any ideas what the issue might be and how to...