Search results

  1. notrick

    How to connect

    how to connect to other players on X10gaming servers.. using CS? Which version of CS to use. i am a new one here Let me know the details. i dont need a server of ym onw. A palce and method where I can connect to is what I am looking for. Teach me guys. Then you will have a free newbie to...
  2. notrick

    500 Internal error

    cPanel user name: notrick Subdomain/Doman: playgames How long you've had your account: 4 to 5 months Comments? - My site is facing this problem since long time every now and then. Recently I got my site un suspended from x10hositng staff and after that I am getting this error.
  3. notrick

    Account Suspended

    My account is suspended. The reason is inactivity on forum and loging in to forum for more then 2 weeks. But I did :( And I also Click on UnSuspend me. The form said that you are now unsuspended. But the site is still suspended. :( Please Help as soon as...
  4. notrick

    Internal Server Error

    Hi I am getting this Internal Server error. Which is a 500 Internal Server Error I have verified following things Permissions - Are proper - I have tried 750, 755, 644 .htaccess - Its proper Rather empty My PHP Script - it says <?php echoi 'hi'; ?> and still not working My url is...
  5. notrick

    Unable to access my site

    I am unable to access my site. In my cpanel everything shows good. But in my account section( I get following errors Hosting Type:Ad-Free Advertisements:None Required Disk-Space Allotment:Error MB Bandwidth Allotment:Error MB Features:cPanel 10+, MySQL...