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  1. D

    phpbb3 RC3 This is my new site. I'm having a problem when I cut and paste into a post; it comes up with an error: Your message has too few characters. Even sometimes when I type in the message, if it's a fairly long post, this error pops up. Over at the phpBB...
  2. D

    phpBB3 Install Issue

    I'm trying to install phpBB3 using the automatic installer included in the package. It seems there is a problem with some of the code used. I'm getting this error: Is it possible I could get this configured correctly so it works or, if not, can someone tell my how to install it manually.
  3. D

    Hello eveyone.

    Hiya all, I'm davinci. Nice to meet you. Glad to be part of this great community. Thanks for the service.