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  1. purpleflame

    Sending an email with python

    I am interested in making a cron job that will send email. So to start off with I am making a script to send an email with a python script. I found a couple different ways to do this -- using sendmail and smtplib. I tried using the sendmail method with this script but I do not know where it went...
  2. purpleflame

    php date comparisons

    I would like to make a script that outputs a different picture based on if the date. If the date is X then I would like to make it one picture. If the date is Y then I would like to make it output a different picture and so on. Also if the date does not match any of the ones I have set then I...
  3. purpleflame

    Help with outputing a picture and text below it

    So I am working on a dynamic signature in which I choose a random picture and display it. This I can do, however, I would also like to add some text below the picture with a transparent background that gives credit to the user the made the signature for me. It is the latter part the I am stuck...
  4. purpleflame

    Help generating a transparent png image using php

    So I am trying to use a php code to make a png image that has a transparent background with a sentence written on it. So far I have a transparent png image of the size I want and the code below. The only problem I have is that the background color comes out as black and not transparent. I am...
  5. purpleflame

    PHP GD Functions

    Hi there. I would like to know if the GD functions are available for use with PHP. I am told they can get gotten here: . I would like these so I can make the php scipt render itself as an image. Thank you.