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  1. Awesomexr

    Looking for paid posters & Staff

    That would be great, thanks. Can you PM me for further info?
  2. Awesomexr

    Looking for paid posters & Staff

    I am proficient in vBulletin forums (i've been on them, i've modded them, and hosted my own) and i can post regularly.
  3. Awesomexr

    Any comment for my Site

    Next time, remember to post in the right section. :) I like your site. I can't really find anything wrong with it. Nice theme, good content, everything looks fine to me. Nice themes on your portfolio too :D
  4. Awesomexr

    Multipart form data

    Congratulations, and merry christmas to you too. :)
  5. Awesomexr

    Php 5.3

    PHP 5 is enabled.
  6. Awesomexr

    Multipart form data

    For the DIR try this: /home/cpanelname/public_html/upload URL is fine, i think. I'm not sure if the above will work, just a guess.
  7. Awesomexr

    The World of Warcraft Information Dump

    This rule does not mean you cannot link to a blog or a web page relating to gaming news or gaming articles. I believe you just contradicted yourself there, he is linking to a site related to gaming news/gaming articles.
  8. Awesomexr

    Multipart form data

    It would be better if you used a php script instead of a cgi script in this case.
  9. Awesomexr

    Multipart form data

    Have you checked the file permissions on the upload folder? Set them/chmod to 777.
  10. Awesomexr

    Multipart form data

    I don't think that is illegal, but anyway. - You were trying to get an upload script to work? I think x10 does support multipart/form-access. I'm not sure why it's not uploading. Try this tutorial: .
  11. Awesomexr

    Multipart form data

    Are you letting visitors upload thier files, i.e like a file storage service?
  12. Awesomexr

    Google is the best

    Google is going to take over the world. :)
  13. Awesomexr

    My first web site...

    It's probably just my resolution then, just shows a blank side of the page. Perhaps you want to center your whole page? That'l even it out on all resolutions. You could also add a favicon.
  14. Awesomexr

    My first web site...

    Sorry about that, I mean the blank right side. :)
  15. Awesomexr

    My first web site...

    I like your site. I see you've put effort into making it w3c valid - which is good. There's only one thing wrong with it, it all seems a little "packed in" if you know what I mean - check out that blank side on the left. Perhaps you want to spread things out a bit more?
  16. Awesomexr

    Free Accounts Upgraded

    You can buy extra upgrades to apply to your account here:
  17. Awesomexr

    Premuim Hosting Price

    Change the namservers on the domain, and then park/add that domain in cPanel. The nameservers are and
  18. Awesomexr

    Premuim Hosting Price

    Yes, the domain is $9.95 per annum and the hosting by x10 is $4.95 per month.
  19. Awesomexr

    Transfering Domain

    Change the nameservers on the domain to "" and "".
  20. Awesomexr

    Please let me know what you think...

    I love it. The theme is unique and very attractive. I love the "Dance all night" logo at the top of the page, really cool. :) Your content is also very good, keep it up.