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  1. J

    Cancel my hosting attempt.

    I already did ;) Keeps saying the following: Sorry, you already have a pending hosting account signup under your client account. Please log into the account management panel and complete the signup.
  2. J

    Cancel my hosting attempt.

    That's the problem actually, it doesn't show any attempts... There's only this: We are experiencing higher than normal requests for free hosting, we are provisioning new hardware as fast as we can to keep up with the demand. You may experience some delays or slowness while we get caught up...
  3. J

    Cancel my hosting attempt.

    Hey, could you please cancel my hosting attempt? There's an orange box above this textbox saying I should (hope you know what I'm talking about ;) ) which says I should, but I can't find my hosting attempt anywhere. Thanks in advance ;) Grts, Jeremy
  4. J

    Would you give up cPanel for better uptime?

    Yesterday I already voted for the 2nd option, but today I were wondering, isn't it possible to restart Apache once a day? (or once every 12 hours) Because the OP stated that every time an account is created/removed, apache needs to restart. But what if you create/remove all accounts that should...