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  1. V

    SMF isnt working!?

    I installed SMF awhile back on and later installed one on and now both doesnt work!? At first I thought it was just the one, but now both arent working!? Help will be appreciated!
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    504 Gateway Error!?

    Hey! My site is having a gateway error? Or is really slow!? Help will be appreciated!
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    Some Chance?

    Hey I was wondering... Can you Make the space that you given us, a Game Server? Like Battle.NET on it? I will put the ad in the Battle.NET Chat channel. It would be awesome if you could! :flowers: THX!
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    TWO accounts?

    Hey! A friend asked me to make him an account, the reason he cant make it himself is that this site has been blocked at his home. For some strange reason!!?? So can I make him an account!? I will post the application like normal but I dont want you guys to ban or suspend me! Wanna make...
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    SudDomain Hosting??

    I wanna know... as part of a Competition I wanna make... can I give away a sub-domain and let the person share the hosting with me?? The ad will obviously be on that site too.
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    Site not Loading!

    My site, , isnt working!!?? This is the error!! Help will be appreciated THX! Gateway Timeout The following error occurred: [code=GATEWAY_TIMEOUT] A gateway timeout occurred. The server is unreachable. Retry the request. Please contact the administrator.
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    Paying Oprtions!

    I live in South Africa and it does not support Cpanel!! So is there some other way that I can get money to you that is safe ans secure!?
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    MySQL down?

    HI!! Is this just my site or is MySQL down?? And Cpanel takes ages to load!
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    Paying Options?

    I REALLY REALLY DONT WANNA LOSE MY SITE!! Most free hosting sites disappear after awhile... and I was wondering I you cant start a paid section... so that we know the server is piad for and nothing will go wrong!! And this server isnt the most stable... so I was wondering cant we pay u a...
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    I was wondering!?

    I was wondering if I want to move my site to another hosting site.... how do I do this?? Is there some kind of way to do this? :grin:
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    EMAIL Problem!

    Sometimes my users dont get there validation emails!! Or it takes extremely long!! PLZ! HELP!
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    No More Server Alert??

    They closed the thread... so now I dont what is happening!! My site is still not working... and will the validation emails (by useres who signed up when Cpanel went) send out when the everything is fine?? THX!
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    500 Server Error

    Hi!! I get this error almost evertime I click a link on my site!! It depends sometimes it just disappears.. sometimes I cant evn go in for days!! Server Error The following error occurred: [code=SERVER_RESPONSE_CLOSE] The server closed the connection while reading the response. Contact...
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    AD code in phpNuke!?

    I use phpNUKE... but how can I place the corporate banner at the top of every page??
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    Cpanel Problem?

    When I try to goto it says "The connection was refused" What does this mean!? Help me PLZ!
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    Nameservers Ip?

    After getting my hosting for my TLD How do I let the url show the webspace i got? I know I should change the nameservers but what must the IP's be?? Can a Admin or Mod pm me the IP's for both servers?
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    php Script help!

    Im a complete noob when it comes to php, but I want to write this script. Goal: If a user registers on phpNuke he can get the option to advertise a small logo on forums or a site, but if someone clicks on it that user will get points!! So for each user there must a specific link that...
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    Domain or TLD hosting!!!

    PLZ im begging you! Will you plz give us the option to host our TLD's! Top-level Domains name that is!? Subdomain are good but boring! I got a TLD but plz can you host TLD's!