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  1. Y

    Daily updated section on web

    Hello; Can anyone give me a short tutorial the concept of news on web? in other word the daily updated news in website. - how to be updated daily? - where the actual data stored? This shows in many cooperation, where they have a section of latest news? Any post will be appriciated ...
  2. Y

    HTML & PHP Form

    Dead Battery Exactlly I want to have html page (with form ) but then to be processed PHP, but advantages xav0989 seem that he answered my question, thanks to all
  3. Y

    HTML & PHP Form

    Hello everyone; I am really new in web design and trying to learn PHP!! Any how, I want to creat a from of course action to PHP and will be using Dreamwaver. My question is : What is the different between making a from starting as new PHP and as new html page? does this make a...