Search results

  1. I

    Domain Transfer

    imediums - Exactly the same as the new one. Regards, iMediums
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    Domain Transfer

    Hey. I have the domain '' attached to a previous hosting account with X10hosting, but the account was terminated due to activity, as I did not use it in a while. I'm trying to re-add it to my account, but I'm being told that it's linked to the previous one. Could you possibly...
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    The Ctrl+V game

    Windows 7 Party Pack
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    Allo X10Hosting! (y)

    Hehe, and I'm guessing there real nice people aswell. That's great! (y) Regards, iMediums
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    Radio advertisements & banners

    Hey! I'm interested in your offer for 'Jingles', but cannot currently PM you, due to problems beyond my control. I have an eMail, to contact m on. Thanks, Regards, iMediums
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    New Tutorial Site?

    Hey!! I was also looking into this project, and have a domain already purchased for tutorials ) At the moment, I'm looking for people to help set it up, the tutorials section, I mean. So yeah, anyone still willing to help, including topic creator, PM / contact...
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    New (ish) Forum

    Hey! Just an idea, but you could get a custom theme designed, no? There are a number of free ones around that might suit you. Apart from that, good site (y).. Regards, iMediums
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    Allo X10Hosting! (y)

    Hehe, cheers for the 'Welcome' guys! I hope to become a long-lasting member of the community! Regards, iMediums
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    game: kill the above user

    I kill Mitch by removing his internet connection, so he cannot access X10Hosting! Take that betch =P Regards, iMediums
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    About rewards

    Hey! This is a great thing your doing, much appreciated by many, I'm guessing!! Regards, iMediums
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    what is the worst virus you've had?

    Hey! Err, worst ever virus... Well, in my case, it has to be the wierd 'Internet Explorer Will not Search For anything' virus. I happened to get this virus by searching on google, apparently it downloaded itself - wierd?! Anyhow, it does not allow me to connect to the internet via IE, although...
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    what to do.. during long walks

    Hey! If you learn an extra language in school, try downloading some 'Language Books'. I use these, and listen to them daily in the same time spaces as you, and it helps to improve my fconfidence in the lesson, as I'm becoming more and more used to hearing the language, and more fluently...
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    Looking for Dual Sim Phone

    Hey! I've never seen / heard of these phones. Remind me, they have 2 SIM cards in at a time? Meaning two network connections, huh? Care to explain more please? And I'm in the UK. Are they any available over here? Regards, iMediums
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    Allo X10Hosting! (y)

    Heheh, Allo! May I take this oppitunity to introduce myself! I'm iMediums, a new member of the community! I absolutley love what this site offers, and have respect for the managers / owners. I hope to interact and fit into the Forums greatley over the coming weeks, months, possibly years...