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  1. D

    PHP script not working (RSSgenr8.php)

    For some reason the previous thread i started was closed before i got any replies. Try again... I'm having a problem with a script that works on another host, but not here. It's a single file and there's nothing to configure. The script is for automating the creation of an RSS feed. All it...
  2. D

    SSI - how to exclude parts of an "include" file?

    having trouble finding help for this one... i'd like to use SSI to include an HTML doc withing another HTML doc, but i want to automatically exclude parts of it, such as the 'head', 'body' and 'meta' tags, etc..
  3. D

    PHP script not working (RSSgenr8.php)

    Hi folks! I'm having a problem with a script that works on another host, but not here. It's a single file and there's nothing to configure. The script is for automating the creation of an RSS feed. All it does is look in an html file for the tags '<span class="rss:item">' and creates an...
  4. D

    PHP script not working (RSSgenr8.php)

    cPanal: dwadmin PKG: no-ads path to script: (also tried it in the root) sample test file to parse: i played around with permissions to no avail. the script works...
  5. D

    cgi-bin - 404

    cPanel: dwadmin domain: package: free/adfree issue: 404 when trying to access .cgi scripts, or anything else, in /cgi-bin/ example url: attempted resolutions: i read quite a few forum threads on this issue...