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  1. Y

    Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded

    How can we increase this quota as my upload data has just crept up to about 17mb so that is probably why I am seeing this now. I use scripts to do this then load the database so to do it via file manger will be messy.
  2. Y

    Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded

    When uploading a file via ftp I see the error: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for error_view_osm_AU.txt 552 Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded 17732759 bytes sent in 15.66 secs (1106.1 kB/s) Checking space it looks like there is plenty Disk Space Usage 18.89 / ∞ MB
  3. Y

    cpanel - unknown host ""

    I cannot access cpanel as it reports "" is unknown host. the mysql is broken but I cannot get in to fix it.
  4. Y

    Chopin Expedited Copy