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  1. P

    file_get_contents whitelisting

    Hello! I'm trying to connect to and get some weather information for my bike trips. Is there an option for adding that site to whitelist ? Theirs API/XML information site best regards Lukasz
  2. P

    site lost

    works fine I added to list also ip 94.sth.sth.sth (found somewhere in forum) uploaded files and website is on line thanks very much
  3. P

    site lost

    I know there are many similar threads but I cant find answers there and Im tired of waiting. All files from server are lost server looks like it works but no files no page I can login to cPanel MySQL Databases shows 2 databases but there both are 0.00 MB and I cant...
  4. P

    I have lost my SQL database?

    the same for me There are no databases associated with your account.
  5. P

    database connection error

  6. P

    database connection error Something wrong is happening in last few days. Site dont load at all or loads very slow and throws Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 95 or #07000(proxy) all backends are down and even then some files are missing CSS...