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  1. Y

    Cannot login in cpanel

    I've tried here: and here: I always get "Login Attempt Failed!" error message. I've tried with the user and the mail with the right password. Thank you in advance! Regards
  2. Y

    Cannot find my hosting account

    My cpanel name is yasadmin. Everything started in february, LadyAnna was trying to avoid to loose my data, see the post and the issue was escalated to staff then I could access my site without problems, but the panel...
  3. Y

    Cannot find my hosting account

    I had a free hosting account user yasadmin but in the new menu I go to the HOSTING option and says that I have not an account. I have been suspended in february in the middle of the stoli migration but I have paid the timer ticket not to have suspensions anymore, can you check what could happen...
  4. Y

    Cannot find my hosting account

    I had a free hosting account user yas admin but in the new menu I go to the HOSTING option and says that I have not an account. Thanks in advance for your help. Sergio
  5. Y

    Account suspended

    Hello all, I have my account suspended for inactivity, I try to unsuspend but couldn't, so I bought the inactivity timer and yet it remains suspended, the with the help of Boss I realized was in middle of the stoli migration, but also the 14 days limits was overdue. Can anybody help me to avoid...