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    Resolved Free Account (No access ftp/apache functioning..)

    I have a free account since I don't know how long, but it seems like since the migration I can't access either the old cpanel, or ftp, and the website has reset to the (apache is functioning normally...) My username still works, but that's about it. username: thunderw domain:
  2. T subdomain

    Hello, It seems my old account was deleted due to expiring (and message concerning account deletion ended up in a spam box and weren't redirected to my other email adress because of that). Now, I wanted to re-create the account on the same adress, but on the registration form, no more...
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    hosting account gone?

    I had been inactive for a while. My website ( on lotusold server not showing up got me to login a few days ago. When I did, it still showed that I had an active hosting account, but when I logged in yesterday (thus 2 days since login before), it said I didn't...
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    hosting account gone?

    uhh? What's this? A few days ago I logged in because my website didn't show anymore.. My hosting account was still there at the time, but now it's saying there's no hosting account with this profile.
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    account reactivation

    Haven't logged in for a while. how to reactivate account again?
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    Huge List Of Free MMO Games

    Perfect World International Nice and free to play MMO-RPG. Ether Saga Online Sort of non-serieus MMO-RPG, loosely based on 'Journey to the West'.
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    World of Goo

    lol... World of Goo is quite fun... I managed to get the OCD on several levels, but far from all...
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    ASP.NET "DllNotFoundException: gdiplus.dll"

    hm... have any idea on how to change the references like that? At least I have something I can try...
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    ASP.NET "DllNotFoundException: gdiplus.dll"

    No. I made it with Visual studio and tested it (it worked). Then I uploaded it to my website here and got this error...
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    ASP.NET "DllNotFoundException: gdiplus.dll"

    Anyone have any idea what this is and how to fix?