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  1. Artheido

    YouTube Phishing

    Seems like a user called 'swavi' is using x10hosting to phish Youtube accounts. See 01:26 Noticed a forum user called swavi2 so maybe he was banned? Or maybe this just happens to be a recent new member with the same name. Sorry if this has been...
  2. Artheido

    MySQL DESC (sorting/ordering) not Working

    Note: I decided not to post this on "Programming Help" because it seems to be more of a hosting problem. I've been trying to sort out one of my tables in descending order but no matter what I do, it doesn't work. Example: My current table (Table name is 'Table') ID | Content |...
  3. Artheido

    Small Change to my Username

    Could the 'a' in my name be changed to a capital 'A'? I must've slipped when registering. This is so not good for my OCD >.<