Search results

  1. R

    Link exchange with CCNA Study Guide

    Don't, Don't, Don't exchange paid links. Many search engines find and penal to these links.
  2. R

    Suspension needs help

    My site (Indiamore dot com) suspended due to high system resource usage. Actually as per my knowledge, I didn't use any wrong or critical scripts. I want technical server report for suspension to avoid further future mistakes. Also i need my account unsuspension. Thanks.
  3. R

    In your opinion, what is best about FREE web hosting with x10?

    One thing you should think about, What is the purpose of hosting? If you want any commercial or professional purpose got paid, Otherwise free is best.
  4. R

    Disk space not doubled. Why?

    I updated with cpanel screenshot. Plese visit and tell me your response. Anyway advanced thanks for best interaction..
  5. R

    Disk space not doubled. Why?

    Recently x10hosting announced the disk space doubled for free hosting acounts. In my account panel no increase any disk space. Why? Do you Know? Screenshot of cpanel:
  6. R

    How do setup DNS to myown domain?

    I have many subdomains in my main domain. So i can't change name servers of my site. How do set DNS settings to a sub domain?
  7. R

    Link my site and i link yours

    I Think these link may not use Automatic create links not worth than manual links.... Anyway Thanks 4 u
  8. R

    How to get ASP.Net to work at x10Hosting

    Thank u very much for this thread, Very useful..