@Anna thank you so much for your answer.
1. How do I remove the pointer?
Here is what I'm trying to do. Some family members have accounts at Google workspace with the custom domain. Don't want to pay the $6 per user per month. Trying to migrate them each to an email@gmail.com account...
@Eric S Thank you!! I'm getting much closer.
My custom domain is not selectable in the top right.
The custom domain only exists as a pointer:
Add new shows that there are two domains, so I assume the pointer is one.
If I try to add my custom domain, it says it already exists.
So on...
@mrburnsx I don't see MX records in the Emai Manager menu: This is what I see.
Forwarders only work for the raw x10host.com mail. I can't set anything for my domain.
Hi @jaygreen Thanks for your suggestion. When I type in DNS Management or just DNS, I get no results. I'm using the free version of X10, so I have the directadmin console
This article tells what to do as far as domains.google is concerned, but not how to do it for X10hosting.
Set up email forwarding with custom name servers
Add the following...
I have a custom domain (cragun.com) hosted at domains.google. I have a web site at x10, and by using custom DNS servers, I can see my site in a browser by typing the custom domain. That works.
I have used google workspaces (gSuite) in the past to host email and want to migrate away from that...
Thanks for your quick and helpful reply. Thanks for providing background, and not being judgmental of a noob.
Can you confirm that the shared server I'm on is Apache? I'll pursue potential alternatives at the grav forums.
Trying to install grav. Getting a file not found error for grav/admin.
Grav help says I need to set AllowOverride All in httpd.conf
A search on these forums says the servers are Litespeed, not Apache. But my cPanel says I have Apache 2.4.18.
Can someone confirm the server?
Where is...
My addon domain is not working. When my domain is typed into a browser, it resolves to an X10hosting page. It has been more than 12 hours at that "broken cpanel page" http://rochesternativities.org/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi
I have flushed my dns with ipconfig /flushdns
Account: cragun...
I was trying to set my domain for my free-hosted site. I requested a domain change, but what I really wanted was an add-on domain. Is it possible to cancel a domain change action? Action is: t1WPhRzd53Sp