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  1. S

    IPS tag

    to change from 123-reg. i am having probs loading through frontpage. Server extensions are loaded but i still can't get it to see my hosting space.
  2. S

    IPS tag

    What is the IPS tag for x10
  3. S

    Frontpage server extensions

    Hi all I am trying to upload my site using MS frontpage, it will not recognise the url that i enter. I am recommended to use frontpage to upload the site. I get an error message saying that it may be that MS frontpage server extensions may not be loaded? Do you automatically load extensions...
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    Frontpage server extensions

    Hi all I joined x10 hosting because it supported Microsoft Frontpage server extensions. I have followed instructions as best i can, (i am new to hosting) however, i cannot get the program to upload my files using the prog as recommended. Are the server extensions loaded automatically or do i...
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    nameservers registering

    Hi I have recently purchased a domain from 123-reg and wish to use it to point to my website. I am hosting with X10 hosting. It says in my information from x10 that i need to register the nameservers: I am trying to upload using Microsoft Frontpage. It...