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  1. F

    RFID chip, is it real?

    Hey hope I don't offend. I just write the way I see it. If people want to join in the debate they are welcome. I'm glad there's at least one sceptic on board here anyway :-] Have you been too my site? HERE There are some interesting (audio only) debates there about different 9/11 CT theories...
  2. F

    H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccine

    Alex J was born with a tinfoil hat on. He predicts something like this every week. It's like that Peter Cook sketch from way back see (youtube HERE) He's up on that cold lonely mountain with the rest of the kooks. Ferrica
  3. F


    I think I would have let them know about the mistake too. Especially if the mistake could lead to the teller being sacked. But...if the transaction was with a cash machine I think would definitely keep the money, banks are having a very bad press here in the UK ATM. With banking executives...
  4. F

    RFID chip, is it real?

    The idea that RFID surgical implants will be enforced in democratic countries is out there with other whacko theories like 9/11 Conspiracies, moon landing hoax, chemtrails, bigfoot etc etc. It's just another frightener to swell the coffers of the fear- mongers like Alex Jones. It'll never...
  5. F

    Hi from UK

    Hi I've just set up my site HERE Am pleased with the sevice of X10 so far. As a complete html nooby I've got tons of questions, hopefully I'll get it ironed out soon. I'm a sceptic/debunker interested in conspiracy theories and hope to get an extensive archive going on the site. Tally-Ho...
  6. F

    H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccine

    Will be getting the vaccine next week. I am diabetic and have other health problems so in a priority queue (I'm in UK) There are always risks associated with any vaccine. I'm willing to take the risk. ferrica
  7. F

    cp addons

    Hi, in c panel, software/services, site software i get No cPAddons configuration found. Please contact your host and ask that they configure cPAddons. where can i resolve this? also FTP bandwidth, the up/down speed seems slow. Is there a choke on FTP with x10? ferricadooza