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  1. artpisanski

    Account Suspended?

    Crap. The exofire account (which is indeed linked to this forum account) is a test account. Please suspend that one instead. :) I can give all necessary username and passwords to prove that the account is mine. Except for the forum account, which I don't remember.. I...
  2. artpisanski

    Account Suspended?

    I've tried that. It blatantly says "Your Hosting Account Is Suspended". And I've lost access to FTP. :( This forum account (artpisanski) might not be the same account I've signed up for a week ago. I don't remember the username or password to get into the forum account that is linked with the...
  3. artpisanski

    Account Suspended?

    Hi. I've been working on a website for quite sometime, and have been just suspended. I'm not sure why. If there is anyway I could get my FTP access back to download my files... ironically, I was just thinking of backing everything up, but now I can't access anything. Please help. The website...