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  1. L

    Is marketing ruining the world?

    Well, warranty is just that, a guarantee that everything will work for the the time of warranty. After warranty expires it generally says that the company who sold it believes the product is too old and will start to fail regardless. If anything fails before the warranty expires it's called a...
  2. L

    Email Address won't delete

    Hey it worked, thanks. I didn't think I would be able to add a domain I don't own anymore but it worked :)
  3. L

    Email Address won't delete

    I had this domain parked and took it off before I deleted the email, now it's saying the email account doesn't exist, yet it takes up my email quota. Could an admin delete the email address for me? it's the only email account on my profile. Thanks
  4. L

    PHP Mail Function

    Works like a charm, thanks!
  5. L

    SQL Databases Gone!

    Hearing that sets my heart at ease. Thank you. :)
  6. L

    SQL Databases Gone!

    Hi, it's me again. I know you guys are going through some major hardware upgrades, and I'm not sure if this is temporary.. but I wanted to let you guys know that my site's back up but the SQL databases and FTP accounts created by softaculous are gone from my cpanel. If this is just a temporary...
  7. L

    Subdomain issue error 500

    I have created a little sub-domain to my homepage for beta testing possible designs and web software, but I'm having an issue with to where it won't load anything in the root directory. I had a .php file that would redirect to and that...
  8. L

    FTP Issues

    Hey everyone, I've been having some FTP issues lately where I am periodically unable to use Dreamweaver as a means to upload files. Sometimes I am lucky enough to get a connection established but most of the time operation times out. I also tried using the File Manager on CPanel only to have...
  9. L

    Girl gets 2 years for cooking cat in oven

    If she had put a human in the oven then it'd be a lifetime sentencing... jeesh.. Kids really have no respect for anything these days. This is just awful.
  10. L

    Site Feedback

    Hey everyone, I'm not really good at the graphics designing yet and have focused mainly on coding my site without the use of WYSIWYG Editors. If anyone would care to give feedback to my site that would be great! There isn't much content on the site yet, but the essentials is complete...
  11. L

    Site Feedback

    Woops, sorry. :(
  12. L

    Site Feedback

    Hey everyone, I'm not really good at the graphics designing yet and have focused mainly on coding my site without the use of WYSIWYG Editors. If anyone would care to give feedback to my site that would be great! There isn't much content on the site yet, but the essentials is complete...
  13. L

    Virtualization vs Dual Boot

    Yeah, when I try to install linux on the same HDD as my Windows I get only problems, or at least used to. GRUB seems to have gotten better, but nonetheless I prefer to keep my MBR untouched. A nice fix I used required two HDD's.. I'd just install linux on the second drive and have bios select...
  14. L

    Why Opera is not So popular being the coolest browser?

    I don't know about others, but I prefer firefox mainly due to it's customizability. I also use this NoScript addon which, please do correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't on Opera. I'm also one of those who prefer to stick with a program that you know and have used for a long time, and since I've...
  15. L

    Banning Mass Mail Scripts

    Sounds good.
  16. L

    Virtualization vs Dual Boot

    Just like someone else in this thread said, it depends on what you want to do. I have too much OCD and I know that virtual won't come to its full potential such as propper hardware. Yes, VMware and Parallels desktop (if you're a mac) allows you to play SOME games, but at a major setback...
  17. L

    Server Down?

    Thanks much! Keep up the good work.
  18. L

    Some Of My Work

    Wow, that's very creative. I like the third one too.
  19. L

    Server Down?

    Hi, just thought I would let you guys know. I think lotus is down, not sure about the other ones though.
  20. L

    Epic Upgrade

    with my DSL I can only download like up to 100kb/s, whereas the city next to this town (about 5 mins away) has up to DSL 25000 *mutter*