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  1. S

    IP hardblocked

    When I tried to login to my cpanel (which I still haven't been successful doing) I entered the wrong password a few times, and then it seems like my IP address was hardblocked from the site!! I wasn't able to access the website at all! Is that supposed to happen?
  2. S

    Website signup not working

    Yay! Thanks Bryon!
  3. S

    Website signup not working

    I just got this error: Sorry, you already have a pending hosting account signup under your client account. Please log into the account management panel and complete the signup.
  4. S

    Website signup not working

    That isn't the problem. The signup appears to work correctly, but when I go to the hosting page, it says that You currently do not have a free web hosting account under your x10Hosting client account.
  5. S

    Website signup not working

    How do I cancel my current attempt? It isn't showing up on the hosting page.
  6. S

    Website signup not working

    No, still didn't work.
  7. S

    Website signup not working

    When I sign up for a website, it says: Your hosting account request has been submitted successfully. You can view the status of your signup through the account panel. But if I go to the hosting page, it says: Free Web Hosting You currently do not have a free web hosting account...
  8. S

    New website under this account

    I would like to create a website under this account, but it says that it is associated with another website. But that isn't true.