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  1. boballso

    Resolved HTTP 503 Backend fetch failed

    Thank you Anna. This seems to have resolved the situation!
  2. boballso

    Resolved HTTP 503 Backend fetch failed

    Thanks for your suggestion. I had seen this could be an issue and had tried changing the php version. Unfortunately this didn't help though.
  3. boballso

    Resolved HTTP 503 Backend fetch failed

    My free hosted website has been down for a while (and also my other sites) I can log in to the DirectAdmin Web Control Panel and can see the files are still there using the file browser. Any advice welcome!
  4. boballso

    Inactivty Suspension

    Hi Anna, I feared as much. Can I use "sign up for a hosting account" found in "" to recreate my host space? I have a backup of my website I could then upload. Thanks in advance, Bob
  5. boballso

    Inactivty Suspension

    Hi, It looks like my account has been suspended and then deleted to inactivity. I took up the upgraded (no forum login required) option and thought this was automatically renewed each year. Also, googlemail had identified X10 emails as spam so I hadn't seen the warning messages. What steps do...