OK , but I think it's already done, When I changed the domain, It was accepted automatically, so I posted this ticket before I check it again, I just wanted to make sure every thing is going fine...
Thanks very much
My domain name was alpha.co.cc but now When I unchecked the subdomain option on the Modify Account Page, and wrote alpha.exofire.net >> it changed to alpha.exofire.net
and that's what I wanted
so thanks
Is it done now, I mean do I need to register alpha.exofire.net again??
please inform...
I was trying to follow the instructions on how to change my domain name from example.co.cc into example.exofire.net or example.x10hosting.com :happysad:
so when I logged into the Modify Account page : I just found the "example" part of the domain name, i.e. I couldn't change the...