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  1. hocheesi

    x02 been intermittent past couple of months

    like some other people, i can access the login portal but not cpanel or my actual website. maybe about once per week a connection to the server is found when checking the actual website just to make sure my internet was configured correctly i pinged x02 and a server that i used to be on: PS...
  2. hocheesi

    Edit HTTP 404 help?

    is there a way to delete/modify the default x10hosting HTTP 404 page? using the error pages editor doesnt help, because x10's 404 page overrides the one i created. its kinda weird with a different (and more colorful) error page than all the others (eg. 403, which i edited.) hocheesi
  3. hocheesi

    Cant access control panel, file manager, or other pages of my website (Dec 5 12:00)

    ok it reads cpsrvd/11.24 Server at on all of the pages accociated with my website (except index.html) and i cant use my webdisk either. is the server down? or is it just me? ugh. :pat: