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  1. oceanwap

    Account Suspension

    Hi, My account is suspended on 13.06.2010. Reason is Copyright infringment.Please tell me what Copyright infringment I did.So I can correct that mistake.My site is under development.If you will look through the files on my account you will find zend framework project's file.Using which I will...
  2. oceanwap

    How to handle dynamic input fields in post method using Php

    I have created a script to allow user to input text inside a form using post method having user defined no of fields. Here is the code:- if(isset($_get['url_no'])) { <form name="myform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post"> $counter = 1; $url_no = 1; while ($url_no <=...
  3. oceanwap

    How to sort alternative keys and values from an associative array in PHP

    I have an array in which I stores key and values using post method, so let's assume it looks like this $links = array("PHP" => "http://", "Zend" => "","Mysql" => "", "Ubuntu" => ""); Now for fetching values I can do this foreach($links...
  4. oceanwap

    How to Auto select User's country in registration form's select menu using PHP

    I am creating a user registration form.In this form there is a option to select the country.I am fetching the country name from ip2country database.That also means I can get the country of user by his IP address. I want the user's country to be automatically selected according to his IP address...
  5. oceanwap

    getallheaders() is disabled, why?

    I am developing a mobile site.For this I want to know request headers from visting browsers and want to log them.So I can design a mechanism where I can detect handset browsers name(User agent) and serve content according to this. As you might know that...
  6. oceanwap

    Youtube api don't work because of zend framework

    I am trying to use Google data PHP client library.It requires zend framework to run.On my local server it worked smoothly.There is a installation checker script which checks the installation of zend and other things.You can see its output on...