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  1. P

    kindly unsuspend

    Jan 27 You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, and process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, and the third warning. To resolve this suspension, open a support ticket...
  2. P

    kindly unsuspend my account

    You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, and process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, and the third warning. To resolve this suspension, open a support ticket...
  3. P

    oha again got the suspension within 5 minutes...

    IRC?? what is that... i m a newbee. thanks for the quick help.... how can i join IRC?
  4. P

    oha again got the suspension within 5 minutes...

    You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, and process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, and the third warning. To resolve this suspension, open a support ticket...
  5. P

    Kindly unsuspend my account

    great stuff... i will immediately follow the same.... Thank you for the important suggestions......
  6. P

    Kindly unsuspend my account

    oha.... should i completely remove the cache or swich to standard cache here in drupal we have these option..
  7. P

    Kindly unsuspend my account

    Thank you Anna, you are so quick...reallly great... but dont know how to cope up with this high memory usage...earlier i was using shiftingh to drupal...but stilll the same problem persist... I think i have to search the google alot for this.. Wishes...
  8. P

    Kindly unsuspend my account

    suspension 3:56 pm You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, and process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, and the third warning. To resolve this suspension, open a...
  9. P

    Kindly unsuspend my account

    Dear Anna, Kindly unsuspend my account. Wishes...
  10. P

    php my admin is blocked??

    Hi, I have installed drupal. first few days it worked fine. but now it is dhowing the following error page. even i am not be able to access my administrator page. the error is............ Site off-line The site is currently not available due to technical problems. Please...
  11. P

    2nd suspension....I am afraid...what is future?

    oha i dont know why??? but at leaset they should permit me to take the backup of my site.. whats wrong here. they can simply tell me to take backup and leave this platform.. why so unmoral??
  12. P

    2nd suspension....I am afraid...what is future?

    so finally suspended me....and not lifting from the last one day??? so many request but nothing.....:eek4: Edit: so finally suspended me....and not lifting from the last one day??? so many request but nothing....:dunno:
  13. P

    remove the suspension please

    kindly remove the suspension. i got this.... pass the information below to any support staff if you're having difficulties with your account your suspension reason code is SPND_RUSAGE3
  14. P

    2nd suspension....I am afraid...what is future?

    yes, I have configured it with some useful extension to work with. if they are taking more memory, kindly assist me what is the technical solution for this, to get rid of this problem. ppl says there are some module which i must install to save memory and cpu usage.but i dont have trust on them...
  15. P

    2nd suspension....I am afraid...what is future?

    got this suspension second time... it says.... You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, or process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, you're able to unsuspend...
  16. P

    Pls change my account from Corporate Ads to AdsFree

    Dear Admin, Greetings, Requesting you to kindly change my account from "corporate ads" to " Adsfree" account type. My domain is: Thank you, Wishes
  17. P

    Plese provide your feedback for my Webdesign

    Thank you for breaking the Ice.......... Will surely count this on the number of feedback I received. Thank you again........... keep visiting and continuously provide the Feedback.............
  18. P

    Plese provide your feedback for my Webdesign

    Hi Every One, thank to the X10, for providing the very good services to us. Check my beautiful web at ( Just copy the above domain name and paste it to your's Browser's address bar and enjoy the Beautiful Portal made for every one. Please provide me any suggestion for...
  19. P

    Your feedback for my web portal please

    Hi Every One, thank to the X10, for providing the very good services to us. Check my beautiful web at ( Just copy the above domain name and paste it to your's Browser's address bar and enjoy the Beautiful Portal made for every one. Waiting for your Important feedback