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  1. M

    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

    cPanel username: mil1ion ( X) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting account is deleted. The X also serves as my digital...
  2. M

    Where to find nameserver and IP address?

    Hi. I'm trying to park a domain name to my website. The domain name is asking for my nameserver and IP address. I looked around in the CPanel but wasn't able to find anything. Where do I find these two things?
  3. M

    Question about importing MySQL database into phpmyadmin

    I actually got it to work, nevermind. :)
  4. M

    Question about importing MySQL database into phpmyadmin

    I export it from my old server compressed in a zip, but then when I try to import it in x10 it gives me an error.
  5. M

    Question about importing MySQL database into phpmyadmin

    This is a different question from my previous one. When you import a database into phpmyadmin does it have to be a text file, because when I export it on my other server I can just dump it all and then copy it into a text file, but it just keeps getting longer and longer and doesn't seem to stop...
  6. M

    Help moving MySQL database from old webhost to here. Gives error.

    Ya I looked at the actually text that I copied and there were no spaces in the whole thing whatsoever. Should I upload the text file so you can see it cus I don't really know anything about this... Edit: I know that greennblack is a drupal theme I have installed. If all else fails do you think I...
  7. M

    Will I get suspended for sending emails?

    Ok thanks. I actually use Drupal, and I don't even send 100 emails a week. Not close. :)
  8. M

    Susoened for Inactitvity even though i have logged in, in the last 31 days

    Wait so to count as activity you have to log into the forum once every 31 days and stay for like 15 minutes? That's kind of a lot of work... :(
  9. M

    Will I get suspended for sending emails?

    I just want to check and make sure I can't get suspended for sending emails on my account. I moved to X10 because my old web host's TOS said you would be suspended for mass email, and I accidentally had automatic emails turned on and was sending emails to some of my users each day. I just want...
  10. M

    Help moving MySQL database from old webhost to here. Gives error.

    So pretty much are you telling me that in all the jumble of stuff after greennblack there is a space in there that I have to remove?
  11. M

    Help moving MySQL database from old webhost to here. Gives error.

    OK so I googled and tried something different, but I think I got a much more hopful error. I just plain exported my old db on my old webhost and copied everything inot a text file and saved it to my computer. Then I tried uploading that onto X10 and this is the error I got. Error SQL query...
  12. M

    Help moving MySQL database from old webhost to here. Gives error.

    So I am trying to move a MySQL database from my old webhost on to X10. First what I do is export the old one in PHPMyadmin. I only have the options of zip, gzip, or bzip. It doesn't matter which one I do because when I go to PHPMyadmin on X10 and try to import it, it gives me a mile long error...
  13. M

    How to restore drupal from backup?

    How to restore drupal mysql database from backup? So I have been using a different web host for a while, but they had very bad support and so I wanted to switch here. On my CPanel there was an option to do a backup and I got two files. I got the full backup for my website, and I also had Drupal...