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  1. C


    Hi, first thing I wanted to ask is, are you able to get back Databases that have been deleted ? Second thing I wanted to ask, is why the MySql dont seem to work with the PHP files I have up, the DB is fine, nd it connects with the PHP so it knows its there, but it never seems to read the...
  2. C


    This is the most useless service ive ever had...its been nearly a week that I aint been able to access my CPanel yet ive had basically no assistence...why exactly am i paying for Prime service when im getting rubbish response
  3. C


    Thats what I says when i changed my password it updated all the passwords to do with the account, yet when tryin to access it through the control page it dont log me into Cpanel
  4. C


    Hi, i changed my password for my x10hosting account nd now i cant access the cpanel :/ it dont log me in automatically like it use to, plus wont let me in with the password im using :/
  5. C


    Thnx for your help, the User had all Privs, but i took them all off and then applied them again, now it works =)
  6. C


    I have an account for Free Website hosting, ive had a problem with it for a couple of weeks now, it just wont connect to the database i have, the information is correct as it worked before, now the site just wont come back up, can u help ?
  7. C

    My account and the Databases

    Hi, ive got a testing site up which i had databases for but someone has deleted the SQL database and Username and it does not let me create any new ones, i would like to know what is wrong here as i need this site up to edit and improve