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  1. G

    Account suspended

    I know I was not in good standing with you people, I ahve only one question. Can I download from my ftp program all those midis and I will delete ASAP, from the site? Thank you, Gabriel
  2. G

    Account suspended

    I´m very sorry of that, you have all the reason, but in my case I use those midis to listen with friends on a chat,, my apologizes for that violation. Let me ask you, can I downlaod to my HD all those 520 midi files, and I will delete all of them from the site? Thank you in advance, Gabriel
  3. G

    Account suspended

    I don´t know why my account was suspended, All my files are for listen via web. Please unsuspend my account Thank you, Gabriel
  4. G

    Suspension accont

    Please Dear Sirs, unsuspend my account. Thank you, Gabriel
  5. G

    Account suspended

    Please, one more time unsuspend my account, thank you
  6. G

    Suspension accont

    I don´t know why I was suspended. Please reactivate my account immediately
  7. G

    Account suspended

    Thank you, I can login into the cPanel. But I can´t go to my site, can you help me with this? Gabriel
  8. G

    Account suspended

    Dear sir, My account was moved to the new location and I´m still suspended. Please unsuspend my account. Thank you Gabriel
  9. G

    Account Suspended

    Dear sirs, Please I would like to have my account active again. Thank you Gabriel Borensztejn
  10. G

    Cannot login to my cpanel

    Dear sirs, I don´t why I cannot login to my cpanel account, can you send me the username and password. Sincerely yorus, Gabriel Bonrebsztejn