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  1. M

    Close down my account

    Yes, by this is state I took backups of all my files i ever put on the server. Greets.
  2. M

    Close down my account

    Hi, is it possible for you guys to close down my account? The reason is that I got webhosting on my own server now (hosted at home). Because of this i don't need this free webhosting account any more. Greets.
  3. M

    port 27015

    Thats a lot of dough! Thanks anyway. I just wanted to set up a sourcebans website. Too bad :(.
  4. M

    port 27015

    So how do i do this? And is it free? Greets
  5. M

    port 27015

    Hi, Is it possible to open port 27015 to my website? Regards, master013