Search results

  1. N

    Activation of terminated account

    But then how do I know where is my domain "" registered. The new account is not allowing to add this domain.
  2. N

    Activation of terminated account

    I need to activate my "nutryway" account as I am not able to add the domain to a new hosting account. It says that this domain is already registered by another user. But I am not sure with which user "nutryway" or "". Please help to resolve this issue...
  3. N

    MySQL error

    I am receiving the following the following error when I am trying to access my web page whereas the same site was working alright yesterday. I am not able to open PHP myadmin also. Please help. ******************* Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't...
  4. N

    asp" include function" not working

    Dear Sir, The <!--#include file="header.asp"--> function is not working in my asp pages.:dunno: Please Help