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  1. InsolentGoat

    Hey, just stopped by here!

    Hey, just stopped by here!
  2. InsolentGoat

    Link Exchange with Insolent*****?

    Hey everyone, thanks for responding. The site is up, but since there is a "bad" word in it, it's blanking it out. it is www (dot) insolent b i t c h (dot) com but the "b" word is just spelled out normally, no spaces or anything in it. I guess that's one problem with having a bad word in the url...
  3. InsolentGoat

    Link Exchange with Insolent*****?

    Hello, I have been blogging since 1999 but took a several year hiatus. I had a very successful site back in the day and I am now back up and running again, at (without the period in the b word) and am looking to build up my viewing audience once more. I...