Search results

  1. E

    Age of Conan... anyone else in?

    So I was just wondering -- who else here is quitting WoW (or, in my case, has already quit) for Age of Conan? Comes out 5/20, I'm pre-ordered, heard from beta testers it was pretty good. Any other thoughts?
  2. E

    Undeletable MySQL Database

    account name: ethraax cPanel account: ethraax domain: server: cossacks I have this database, "ethraax", of size 0.01MB. When I try to delete it, it confirms the deletion, but it never goes away. I can't make a third DB because of it. If you could manually delete it...
  3. E

    My z-index isn't working...

    So I have this project to write a portable website for a gaming database (of really any game). For the mock-up I'm using a simple Runescape thing. I have this idea that the box describing something goes slightly in front of the icon, and when you mouse over the icon, it gets bigger and pops up...
  4. E

    Hosting a Torrent Tracker

    [Resolved] Hosting a Torrent Tracker I've read many posts through the search feature and I seem to find different answers to this. Corey said here that is was okay as long as you were only seeding your files. Some other posts had a flat "no" attached to them. The reason I'm looking at...
  5. E

    Question regarding Windows Applications Settings

    So when you log in to a computer at my school for the first time, you get a ton of messages that looks like: "Loading personalized settings for windows media player" "loading personalized settings for internet explorer..." The list goes on for quite a while. This happens for each person on...
  6. E

    Something's wrong with my website...

    Account name: ethraax Domain: Server: cossacks (adfree) So when I go to my website, it comes up with some login screen I've never seen before, and certainly didn't put there. When I go into my file manager (I could get on to cPanel :) ), it has all my files...
  7. E

    Automatic Backup of MySQL

    So, I was wondering if there was a program out there that would automatically connect (remotely) to MySQL and download the database to a file (or files) on your computer... automatically. Basically some system tool that downloads the tables daily and store each day in it's own folder would be...
  8. E

    Error retrieving user data from server...

    Error retrieving user data from server... [RESOLVED] So I need to upgrade to phpv2, but I can't log into the account panel of It says that there was an error retrieving my data from your servers, and to check back in a few minutes. It's been this way for weeks, but now I...
  9. E

    getimagesize() with remote urls?

    getimagesize() with remote urls? [RESOLVED: get phpv2] So over the last 3 days I've been writing an imageboard for my website ( It's almost done but I've run into a problem I can't seem to fix. The old way I resized images was making all images in the thread...