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  1. marcelinho.dll

    Cannot update from WP 3.5.1 to 3.5.2

    This works for me. Thanks for sharing! :)
  2. marcelinho.dll

    Accept DineroMail as method of payment

    Hello, Can you consider adding this method of payment? I want to buy Prime Membership but I don't own a credit card and I live in Brazil. This is their homepage: I use it for paying World of Warcraft in my local currency :) This will be useful not only...
  3. marcelinho.dll

    Como mudar meu domínio?

    Mude seu cPanel para Português, fica mais fácil de entender. Change your cPanel to Portuguese, it'll be easier to understand.
  4. marcelinho.dll

    Request for Account Deletion

    marceloa: (X) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting account is deleted. The X also serves as my digital signature...
  5. marcelinho.dll

    Account Suspension

    I still can't login. That problem started after my account transferred to another server.
  6. marcelinho.dll

    Account Suspended

    My account still suspended, i was from lotus server, when it'll be unsuspended?
  7. marcelinho.dll


    I want to know if all the pages will be recovered from the Lotus server. Because I haven't done a backup. And when I visited my FTP server there wasn't any file there. I visited it June,16th,2010 at 11:27 (Brazilian Time)
  8. marcelinho.dll


    My account was transferred from lotus to other server, and it stills suspended. I want to unsuspend it.