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  1. hi_cannon

    Account suspension

    I'm not going to start arguing about international copy right laws, but I just want to note that fansubbing has long been accepted, even supported by the anime industry. As for This is frankly outright false. For one thing, it is not the "authors" releasing anything, it is the industry that...
  2. hi_cannon

    Facebook blacklists x10hosting domains!?

    It seems that recently 2 out of 4 of the x10hosting domains have been blacklisted on Facebook. This means you cannot publish anything with those addresses in it ("" for ex.) The only clear ones at the moment is and Wonder what was on those domains that...
  3. hi_cannon

    site down since creation

    I had a site before but I let it lapse. So recently (yesterday) I registered a new site ( but has not been able to get on either cpanel or the actual site. The server seems to up though. Do I need to wait more time or is something wrong? My account username is...