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  1. for_lippo

    ToS explanation please

    So folks, may I register few new accounts or there will be a "fingerprint" captcha or cornea recognization implemented on your site soon ? :) Greets
  2. for_lippo

    ToS explanation please

    Well, what I wanted to say? The ToS statement Each individual is allowed ONE account only. is so silly. It's hard to follow and you know it. So when write about it? If you worry about some server resources or wanna check some abussive behaving, there are better tech/real solutions for this one...
  3. for_lippo

    ToS explanation please

    Hi Anna, may I ask you? May I be a webmaster for them then? I mean register the domains for them and prepare some pages for them? They are not so "geeky" yet. They will show me what to put there etc and I will do it for them later. Each individual is allowed ONE account only. I would like...
  4. for_lippo

    ToS explanation please

    Hi Matt, thanks for the replay and the suggestion. Still I don't know what they means by individual, but they talk about an account not a subdomain/domain. So I suppose that by the account they mean domain/forum account. Unfortunately there's a problem for me. I can not afford shared domain...
  5. for_lippo

    ToS explanation please

    Hello stuff, I'd like to ask you. I'd like having some nice free website here. Your webhosting seems to be nice one. I have read your ToS a while ago and I don't understand one statement there Each individual is allowed ONE account only. I'd like to know what "each individual" means? Would...
  6. for_lippo

    Suspicious scripts explanation needed.

    Thanks. I have read it a time ago it was quite an interesting reading there :). I'll take a look at it again later. But I'm not sure if there will be something new for me. Of course I understand you pretty well what's going on here. As you can see one can re-register new accounts (one or many...
  7. for_lippo

    Suspicious scripts explanation needed.

    Thanks for letting me know. What would you suggest me then, if any? May I regsiter new ONE and ONLY again soon? :tongue: Greets
  8. for_lippo

    Suspicious scripts explanation needed.

    "You are digging yourself a deeper hole.", no worry descalzo, I have not much to lose. I just wanted to know something about. So personally I have no more questions now. So what's the conclusion now here? I have only one account which is currently suspended - will the account be unsuspended...
  9. for_lippo

    Suspicious scripts explanation needed.

    Ok. I'm sure I have "at least" one. No I'm sure I have ONLY one. How do you track that at all? It's nearly impossible to find it out when registered in careful way, therefore it's just another silly rule only among the great service you're offering here.
  10. for_lippo

    Suspicious scripts explanation needed.

    Thanks for the quick replay, descalzo. Let me send you some hints yet. Yes there's a couple of accounts linked to one subject as you have researched well. Congratulation! I'd like to say that it's NOT intended to abuse your system in any way. There's no need to search any complexity in it. I...
  11. for_lippo

    Suspicious scripts explanation needed.

    Hi there, I was suspended but not sure exactly why. All my scripts are "no harming" and for private purposes only. Greets
  12. for_lippo


    Howdy all, thanks for the great hosting! Keep up the good work x10! --peace--