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  1. G

    site down:

    Its off, on, off, on, off, on.... Whats happening that it turns off all the time?
  2. G

    lotus outages ?

    Tnx, now I will stop asking around.
  3. G

    Lotus Trouble?

    Hmpf, my site has been down for the whole day and hasn't been on since yesterday
  4. G

    lotus outages ?

    Not for long. The other moment its online. The other moment its down. And I totally agree with phoenix2010. And also, if the free host wasn't here X10 wouldn't big this big. Cause their payed hosting is not cheap...
  5. G

    Lotus Trouble?

    I am using Joomla and PHPbb and they are both offline.
  6. G

    Where Do You Come From?

    The land of the 'klompen' HOLLAND =D