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  1. L

    When will FTP/Cpanel Access be restored?

    Hi there, I understand that the servers are being migrated which means a temporary loss of certain user services, but does anyone have an ETA on when I will be able to access FTP because I urgently need to do a small but important update to my site. Many Thanks, Ben :biggrin...
  2. L

    Javascripting/CSS not working - jQuery script

    Hi Lemon-tree, Yes, I have, but maybe I have uploaded it to the wrong place. Here is the file heirarchy: /... public_html/index.html public_html/css_priobox/... public_html/js/jquery.min.js public_html/js/ public_html/js/piroBox.1_2.js public_html/img/...
  3. L

    Javascripting/CSS not working - jQuery script

    Hi there, I have just joined and uploaded my site, but the Javascripting & CSS are not working when it is online. I am using a modified version of the Pirobox jQuery plugin ( and it works fine in the browser locally but not online. Is there something I am not...